Struggling with Focus and Attention? We're Here to Help

Are you or a loved one continually challenged by issues with focus, attention to detail, or organization? Whether it's your child, your spouse, or yourself, if you're dealing with ADHD, we offer the support you need to manage and thrive.

Common ADHD Challenges

  • Do you often overlook details or frequently misplace items?

  • Is it difficult for you to sit still or refrain from interrupting others?

  • Are organizational tasks overwhelming for you?

  • Do you find it challenging to plan, schedule, and follow through with tasks?

  • Are these difficulties impacting your job, education, or relationships?

ADHD can be a pervasive challenge, presenting differently in children and adults but consistently affecting focus, organization, and emotional regulation. Without intervention, these challenges can substantially disrupt personal, academic, and professional success.

Our Neurodiverse Affirming Approach

At Integrative Family Therapy, we view ADHD through a lens of neurodiversity, not as a deficit. We believe that brain differences contribute to a unique set of strengths and challenges. We focus on developing your skills in areas that are challenging, such as organization and emotional regulation. Our goal is to implement practical systems and strategies that enhance your life management skills.

Therapeutic Services Tailored to ADHD

  1. Individual Therapy

    • We offer tailored strategies to improve organizational skills, focus, and emotional regulation. Individual therapy provides personalized attention to develop coping strategies that fit your unique needs and lifestyle.

  2. Couples Therapy

    • ADHD can strain relationships with misunderstandings and frustrations. In couples therapy, we work to enhance understanding and communication, helping partners provide effective support to each other.

  3. Family Therapy

    • ADHD affects the entire family. We can educate and bring parents and children together to create a supportive environment that enhances understanding and cooperation.

Why Opt for Therapy at Integrative Family Therapy?

We embrace a holistic approach to therapy, collaborating with educational specialists, occupational therapists, and medication providers to offer comprehensive support. Our focus is on leveraging your inherent strengths—such as creativity, empathy, and resilience—to better manage ADHD.

Getting Started

If you're navigating these challenges and looking for support, we invite you to contact us. Our team is here to help guide you to a therapist who can assist you in understanding and managing ADHD more effectively. You're not alone in this—supportive, understanding help is just a call away.